Once on a virus winter day, Akbar and Birbal were strolling by a lake. Akbar halted and put his finger into the freezing water and promptly took it out saying, "I don't figure anybody can continue a night in this virus water". Birbal accepting that as a test and said that he would discover somebody who can do it. Akbar guaranteed a whole of 1000 gold coins to whoever could go through a late evening remaining neglected water of the lake.

Before long, Birbal found a helpless man who consented to attempt the test for the 1000 gold coins. Protected by two imperial monitors, the helpless man went through the whole evening remaining in the freezing water. In the first part of the day, poor people man was indicted for the prize. On being asked by the ruler how he could remain in freezing water, the man answered, "My master, I continued taking a gander at a light that was consuming a ways off, and went through my whole evening taking a gander at it".

On learning this, the head stated, "This man isn't deserving of the prize as he could figure out how to remain in the lake since he was getting warmth from the light".
The helpless man felt bound and heart-broken. He connected with Birbal for help. Birbal didn't go to the court the following day.

Akbar visited Birbal to discover the explanation. To his delight, the King discovered Birbal sitting close to the fire with a pot balancing right around 6 feet above it. On being enquired, Birbal stated, "I am cooking khichadi, my master". Akbar began giggling and said that was unimaginable. Birbal stated, "It is conceivable my King.

On the off chance that a helpless man can remain warm by essentially taking a gander at the light consuming a ways off, I can cook this khichadi a similar way." Akbar comprehended Birbal's point and remunerated the helpless man for finishing the test.